ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ КНИГА «Этика и удовольствие в поэзии позднего средневековья»
- Артикул:
- 9996101575
- Страна: Польша
- Доставка: от 990 ₽
- Срок доставки: 12-20 дней
- В наличии: 5
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- Identyfikator produktu
- 9996101575
- Stan
- Nowy
- Tytuł
- Ethics and Enjoyment in Late Medieval Poetry (2010)
- Autor
- Rosenfeld, Jessica
- Nośnik
- ebook
- Język publikacji
- angielski
- Format
- Wydawnictwo
- Cambridge University Press
Przedmiotem oferty jest książka elektroniczna (EBOOK) zabezpieczona ADOBE DRM
(to nie jest zwykły pdf/epub)
Jessica Rosenfeld provides a history of the ethics of medieval vernacular love poetry by tracing its engagement with the late medieval reception of Aristotle. Beginning with a history of the idea of enjoyment from Plato to Peter Abelard and the troubadours, the book then presents a literary and philosophical history of the medieval ethics of love, centered on the legacy of the Roman de la Rose. The chapters reveal that 'courtly love' was scarcely confined to what is often characterized as an ethic of sacrifice and deferral, but also engaged with Aristotelian ideas about pleasure and earthly happiness. Readings of Machaut, Froissart, Chaucer, Dante, Deguileville and Langland show that poets were often markedly aware of the overlapping ethical languages of philosophy and erotic poetry. The study's conclusion places medieval poetry and philosophy in the context of psychoanalytic ethics, and argues for a re-evaluation of Lacan's ideas about courtly love.
- Autorzy: Rosenfeld, Jessica
- Wydawnictwo: Cambridge University Press
- Data wydania: 2010
- Wydanie:
- Liczba stron:
- Format pliku: DRM PDF
- Język publikacji: angielski
- ISBN: 9780511985195
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