Environmentalism in the Realm of Science Fiction a

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11 950.00 ₽
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Environmentalism in the Realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature (2011)

Baratta, Chris




Język publikacji


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Environmentalism in the Realm of Science Fiction a Nośnik ebook

The collection of essays titled Environmentalism in the Realm of Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature discusses the environmental and ecocritical themes found in works of science-fiction and fantasy literature. It focuses on an analysis of important literary works in these genres to yield an understanding of how they address the environmental issues we are facing today. Organized into four sections titled "Industrial Dilemmas," "The Natural World, Community, and the Self," "Materialism, Capitalism, and Environmentalism," and "Dystopian Futures," the essays included also investigate the solutions that these works present to ensure the sustainability of our natural world and, in turn, the sustainability of humanity.This collection will appeal to a broad range of scholars, including those who focus their studies on one of, or all of, the following fields: Ecocriticism, Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature, and Environmentalism in Literature. The essays investigate the myriad ways that science fiction and fantasy literature address environmental concerns, with a focus on the detrimental effects - on humanity, on society - of environmental destruction. With topics ranging from the dangers of industrial progress to the connection between environmental degradation and the destruction of the individual, to environmental dangers posed by capitalistic societies to ignored warnings of ecological crises, the essays each tactfully analyze the relationship between the environmental themes in literature and how readers and scholars can learn from the irresponsible treatment of the environment, while also considering solutions to this crisis that are found in science fiction and fantasy literature.

  • Autorzy: Baratta, Chris
  • Wydawnictwo: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
  • Data wydania: 2011
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 190
  • Format pliku: DRM PDF
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781443835428

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