Изречения - Франциск, герцог Ларошфуко Электронная книга
- Артикул:
- 9790444184
- Страна: Польша
- Доставка: от 990 ₽
- Срок доставки: 12-20 дней
- В наличии: 5
- Оценка: 0
- Отзывов: 0
- Identyfikator produktu
- 9790444184
- Stan
- Nowy
- Tytuł
- Maxims (2019)
- Autor
- Francis, Duke of la Rochefoucauld
- Format
- Nośnik
- ebook
- Wydawnictwo
- inne
- Język publikacji
- angielski
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(to nie jest zwykły pdf/epub)
Whilst the greatest effort has been made to ensure the quality of this text, due to the historical nature of this content, in some rare cases there may be minor issues with legibility. The family of La Rochefoucauld is one of the most ancient and illustrious in France. Its founder, according to Andrew Du Chesne, was one Foucauld, or Fulk, a cadet, as is supposed, of the house of Lusignan, or Lezignem, and connected with the ancient Dukes of Guienne, who appears, about the period A. D. 1000, as Seigneur, or Lord, of the Town of La Roche in the Angoumois. He is described in contemporary charters as Vir nobilissimus Fulcaldus, and his renown seems to have been sufficiently extensive to confer his name on La Roche, which has ever since borne, and bestowed on his descendants, the distinctive appellation of La Roche Foucauld. Guy, the eighth Seigneur de la Roche Foucauld, is mentioned by Froissart as having per formed, ih the year 1380, a celebrated tilt in the lists at Bordeaux, whither he came, attended by 200 of his kins men and connections.
- Autorzy: Francis, Duke of la Rochefoucauld
- Wydawnictwo: Forgotten Books
- Data wydania: 2019
- Wydanie:
- Liczba stron:
- Format pliku: DRM PDF
- Język publikacji: angielski
- ISBN: 9780243719648
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