Дэйн Миллс Босли - Паунолл, Крис Р EBOOK
- Артикул:
- 9731264139
- Страна: Польша
- Доставка: от 990 ₽
- Срок доставки: 12-20 дней
- Купили: 1 раз
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- Identyfikator produktu
- 9731264139
- Stan
- Nowy
- Tytuł
- Dane Mills Bosley (2012)
- Autor
- Pownall, Chris R
- Nośnik
- ebook
- Język publikacji
- angielski
- Format
- epub
- Wydawnictwo
- inne
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This book provides an industrial and social history of the people and business activities at two mills in rural Cheshire, known as 'Dane Mills Bosley'.This is where author Chris R. Pownall served his engineering apprenticeship between 1959 and 1966. The very fond memories of that period have prompted him to write about the culture, as well as the industrial processes in operation at that time.There is a brief over-view of the history of the mills, which date back to the mid-eighteenth century. They were originally constructed by the famous industrialist Charles Roe, who engaged the services of engineer, James Brindley, to harness waterpower from the nearby River Dane and Bosley Brook.The mills have been used for different purposes, beginning with the refining of copper and brass into sheet and wire. Textile manufacturing, both silk and cotton followed on from the metallurgical processes, and more recently, the mills have been engaged in the grinding of various products and materials, ranging from corn in the beginning, to a wide range of organic fibres in the present day.Chris has focused upon the people employed at the mills during his time, listing most of their names, and recording stories about fellow workers, that have remained in his memory after all this time.The book will appeal to those interested in local history as well as followers of our industrial heritage, over a period of two and half centuries.Inevitably, in works by this author, there is humour as well as a more serious record of Chris' apprenticeship as a fitter, plus a short period in the drawing office.Book reviews online @ ASK_FOR_LINK_2
- Autorzy: Pownall, Chris R
- Wydawnictwo: Pneuma Springs Publishing
- Data wydania: 2012
- Wydanie:
- Liczba stron:
- Format pliku: DRM EPUB
- Język publikacji: angielski
- ISBN: 9781782281764
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