Elektryczny trymer do paznokci i pilnik do łatwego manicure z lampką LED
- Артикул:
- 16487134950
- Страна: Китай
- Доставка: от 990 ₽
- Срок доставки: 12-20 дней
- В наличии: 500
- Оценка: 0.00
- Отзывов: 0
- Identyfikator produktu
- 16487134950
- Stan
- Nowy
- Marka
- bez marki
- 7311777137190
- Rodzaj akcesoriów
- napędy nożne
ELECTRIC NAIL TRIMMER: The nail trimmer comes with LED lamp that helps you accurately cut nails, and it can be used in poor sight or darkness. 2-IN-1 ELECTRIC NAIL CLIPPERS AND NAIL FILES: The electric trimmer is a safe method of nail scissors, which is very suitable for the elderly and children. The small portable 2-in-1 electric nail clipper greatly simplifies the process of manicure. Trim and sand in just a few minutes. The nail clipper is powered by 2 AA batteries (the product does not contain batteries), which is a perfect gift for the family.Features:1.2-in-1electricnailclippersandnailfiles:Theelectrictrimmerisasafemethodofnailscissors,whichisverysuitablefortheelderlyandchildren.2.ThenailtrimmercomeswithLEDlampthathelpsyouaccuratelycutnails,anditcanbeusedinpoorsightordarkness.3.Theniltrimmercansafelyandquicklytrimandpolishsmalltoesandnails,anditwillnotdamagethecuticleandnailbed,andiseasytoclean.4.Thesmallportable2-in-1electricnailclippergreatlysimplifiestheprocessofmanicure.Trimandsandinjustafewminutes.
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