Исчезающая дорога и другие эссе (2021) Электронная книга

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Vanishing Road & Other Essays (2021)

Richard Le Gallienne


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Vanishing Road & Other Essays (2021) EBOOK

Richard Thomas Gallienne was born in Liverpool on 20th January, 1866.His first job was in an accountant's office, but this was quickly abandoned to pursue his first love as a professional writer. His first work, My Ladies' Sonnets, was published in 1887. In 1889 he became, for a brief time, literary secretary to Wilson Barrett the manager, actor, and playwright. Barrett enjoyed immense success with the staging of melodramas, which would later reach a peak with the historical tragedy The Sign of the Cross (1895).Le Gallienne joined the staff of The Star newspaper in 1891, and also wrote for various other papers under the pseudonym 'Logroller'. He contributed to the short-lived but influential quarterly periodical The Yellow Book, published between 1894 and 1897.His first wife, Mildred Lee, died in 1894 leaving their daughter, Hesper, in his care. In 1897 he married the Danish journalist Julie Norregard. However, the marriage would not be a success. She left him in 1903 and took their daughter Eva to live in Paris. They were eventually divorced in June 1911.Le Gallienne now moved to the United States and became resident there. On 27th October 1911, he married Mrs. Irma Perry, whose marriage to her first cousin, the painter and sculptor Roland Hinton Perry, had been dissolved in 1904. Le Gallienne and Irma had known each other for many years and had written an article together a few years earlier in 1906. Le Gallienne and Irma lived in Paris from the late 1920s, where Irma's daughter Gwen was by then an established figure in the expatriate boheme. Le Gallienne also added a regular newspaper column to the frequent publication of his poems, essays and other articles.By 1930 Le Gallienne's book publishing career had virtually ceased. During the latter years of that decade Le Gallienne lived in Menton on the French Riviera and, during the war years, in nearby Monaco. His house was commandeered by German troops and his handsome library was nearly sent back to Germany as bounty. Le Gallienne managed a successful appeal to a German officer in Monaco which allowed him to return to Menton to collect his books. To his credit Le Gallienne refused to write propaganda for the local German and Italian authorities, and financially was often in dire need. On one occasion he collapsed in the street due to hunger.Richard Thomas Gallienne died on 15th September 1947. He is buried in Menton in a grave whose lease is, at present, due to expire in 2023.

  • Autorzy: Richard Le Gallienne
  • Wydawnictwo: Copyright Group
  • Data wydania: 2021
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 141
  • Format pliku: DRM PDF
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781839678011

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