Победы больше, чем смерть (2021) ЭЛЕКТРОННАЯ КНИГА

1 680.00 ₽
1 680.00 ₽
1 шт.
  • Страна: Польша
  • Доставка: от 990 ₽
  • Срок доставки: 12-20 дней
  • В наличии: 5
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Identyfikator produktu


Victories Greater Than Death (2021)

Anders, Charlie Jane


Język publikacji


inne (Titan Books)


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka elektroniczna (EBOOK) zabezpieczona ADOBE DRM

(to nie jest zwykły pdf/epub)

Victories Greater Than Death (2021) EBOOK

YA science fiction from the multiple award-winning author of All the Birds in the Sky and The City in the Middle of the Night.Tina never worries about being 'ordinary'--she doesn't have to, since she's known practically forever that she's not just Tina Mains, average teenager and beloved daughter. She's also the keeper of an interplanetary rescue beacon, and one day soon, it's going to activate, and then her dreams of saving all the worlds and adventuring among the stars will finally be possible. Tina's legacy, after all, is intergalactic--she is the hidden clone of a famed alien hero, left on Earth disguised as a human to give the universe another chance to defeat a terrible evil.But when the beacon activates, it turns out that Tina's destiny isn't quite what she expected. Things are far more dangerous than she ever assumed--and everyone in the galaxy is expecting her to actually be the brilliant tactician and legendary savior Captain Thaoh Argentian, but Tina....is just Tina. And the Royal Fleet is losing the war, badly--the starship that found her is on the run and they barely manage to escape Earth with the planet still intact.Luckily, Tina is surrounded by a crew she can trust, and her best friend Rachel, and she is still determined to save all the worlds. But first she'll have to save herself.Buckle up your seatbelt for this thrilling YA sci-fi adventure set against an intergalactic war from internationally bestselling author Charlie Jane Anders.

  • Autorzy: Anders, Charlie Jane
  • Wydawnictwo: Titan Books
  • Data wydania: 2021
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 480
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781789094732

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