Лживая истина - В.Д. Ваал, Джейми EBOOK

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  • Страна: Польша
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  • Срок доставки: 12-20 дней
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Identyfikator produktu


Lying Truth (2021)

Waal, Jaimy vd



Austin Macauley Publishers

Język publikacji


Przedmiotem oferty jest książka elektroniczna (EBOOK) zabezpieczona ADOBE DRM

(to nie jest zwykły pdf/epub)

Lying Truth - vd Waal, Jaimy EBOOK

It's 2070 and humanity is at the brink of a series of catastrophic disasters caused by mankind itself. To satisfy the ordeal and ward off extinction, a masterful and life-saving facility is constructed as a first step towards re-colonisation. To prevent humanity's impending decimation, one thousand individuals are randomly chosen worldwide to participate in the program and to be put into a long and deep hibernation to ensure mankind's survival. Yet, with no one to run the building, a dangerous compromise is made... A computer with artificial intelligence is left in charge of the facility and its inhabitants. Its aim: keep the specimens alive whatever the cost. It all seems to go well until an uproar forces the AI's programming to take drastic measures that jeopardises the freedom of humans.After the taken measures, the dust seems to have settled until an accident leaves an individual to rebel. Man and machine face off in an epic struggle for freedom, which leaves the question: would you rather be happy with a lie or be unhappy with the truth?

  • Autorzy: vd Waal, Jaimy
  • Wydawnictwo: Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd
  • Data wydania: 2021
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 310
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781787101432

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