Убивая тетушку - Бурса, Анджей Электронная книга

1 640.00 ₽
1 640.00 ₽
1 шт.
  • Страна: Польша
  • Доставка: от 990 ₽
  • Срок доставки: 12-20 дней
  • В наличии: 5
  • Оценка: 0
  • Отзывов: 0


Identyfikator produktu


Killing Auntie (2015)

Bursa, Andrzej



inne (New Vessel Press)

Język publikacji


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Killing Auntie - Bursa, Andrzej EBOOK

"The Polish postwar firebrand Andrzej Bursa acquired a reputation as a quick-burning, existentially tormented rebel. . . . Yet Bursa's dark humor and deadpan satire . . . keep utter bleakness at bay."The Independent"A revolution against the banality of everyday life."Gazeta KrakowskaA young university student named Jurek, with no particular ambitions or talents, is adrift. After his doting aunt asks him to perform a small chore, he decides to kill her for no good reason other than, perhaps, boredom. Killing Auntie follows Jurek as he seeks to dispose of the corpsea task more difficult than one might imagineand then falls in love with a girl he meets on a train. Can he tell her what he's done? Will that ruin everything?"I'm convincedsimplythat we are all guilty," says Jurek, and his adventures with nosy neighbors, false-toothed grandmothers, and love-making lynxes shed light on how an entire society becomes involved in the murder and disposal of dear old Auntie. This is a short comedic masterpiece combining elements of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Jean-Paul Sartre, Franz Kafka, and Joseph Heller, coming together in the end to produce an unforgettable tale of murder andjust mayberedemption.Andrzej Bursa was born in 1934 in Krakow, Poland, and died twenty-five years later. In his brief lifetime he composed some of the most original Polish writing of the twentieth century. Killing Auntie is his only novel. His brilliant career and tragic early death established him as a cult figure among restless and disenchanted youth.

  • Autorzy: Bursa, Andrzej
  • Wydawnictwo: New Vessel Press
  • Data wydania: 2015
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron: 110
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781939931238

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