Путеводитель путешественника – Вебер, Джейн Электронная книга

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Traveler's Travel Guide (2017)

Weber, Jane


Język publikacji




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Traveler's Travel Guide - Weber, Jane EBOOK

"Two roads converged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." Robert Frost Anyone, of any age with any budget, can become a smart traveler after reading Jane Weber's A Traveler's Travel Guide. The adventures and misadventures of this solo global traveler, a great-grandmother, amuse and inform newbies who would like to learn the ropes as well as those who already have ventured farther afield. This personal guidebook offers first-hand tips on who can travel, where and when to go, how to plan and prepare, what to take and how to pack. Sample itineraries range from the USA, Canada, Ireland, Iceland and Greenland to the Galapagos and South America. Maps and personal anecdotes enthrall would-be travelers and adventure addicts alike. Families, students and travelers from 16 to 98 will glean practical tips on how to stretch their travel budget. Tips are insightful and reflect the experience Weber has gained as a lifelong traveler. Once called an "adventure addict" by Sailing magazine, this LOL (Little Old Lady, right?) has traveled alone, long-term, in more than 73 countries and thousands of destinations worldwide. She has driven, ridden, biked, hiked and/or sailed hundreds of thousands of kilometers (miles) on highways, byways, backroads, trails and coastal waters of all 50 United States, 10 Canadian provinces, two territories and many islands in every country in North America. Her adventures have included a 26 month expedition around the world, hitchhiking across the Pacific Ocean, sailing solo across the North Atlantic Ocean, cruising the entire Caribbean Sea and exploring its islands and bordering countries aboard her own sailboat as well as roaming Europe, South America, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. Readers will learn about the world's special places, easy-to-visit destinations around the planet, trips-of-a-lifetime and even how to spot and photograph wildlife on road trips. Sprinkled with more than 100 full-color photographs, taken during Weber's journeys, this concise travel guidebook will intrigue, inform, inspire and amuse readers of all ages, seniors, students, would-be journey seekers, solo wanderers and seasoned travelers alike. Live in the moment, take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints is eco-friendly and sage advice. Go with the flow as your adventure unfolds. Travel, even the armchair variety, will change the way you see the world and the 7.5 billion people you must share it with. As the ultimate global traveler, Mark Twain advised in 1869, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness." Weber explains the "Who, What, When, Where, Why and How" in a casual but informative style in this witty, appealing travel book.

  • Autorzy: Weber, Jane
  • Wydawnictwo: BookBaby
  • Data wydania: 2017
  • Wydanie:
  • Liczba stron:
  • Format pliku: DRM EPUB
  • Język publikacji: angielski
  • ISBN: 9781543915464

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